Wednesday, February 11, 2009

God the Artist

God's creations display not only God's magnificence, but also his humour and creativity.

A little panda cub. Cute as cute can be.

God created them for our pleasure. God created them for us.

God made us such that we would appreciate these things He gave us. It's like a Christmas tree with heaps of presents underneath. There are still some boxes we have not opened yet.

Boxes which include the sea creatures at the bottom of the sea, flowers that grow on icy cold mountains, the kindness of a stranger, or even the colour of your eyes.

Let's put our life on PAUSE - then look around at God's love - just next to you, for you.


I was looking at the full moon on chap goh meh (15th day of the chinese lunar calendar, marking the last day of chinese new year celebrations), and i was so taken by the large round orange moon.

It was right there, so near, yet so far.

Glancing upon the moon and thinking how complex it was for God to ensure that we get moonlight, time, gravity and the change of tides - because of the moon.


1 comment:

Bradley said...

I really enjoyed your blog, thanks for sharing.